The monthly theme for this month is Niyama or
Observances. This relates to the
yogi's behavior towards himself and a way to create self-discipline.
1. SAUCHA: Purity, cleanliness
Saucha is the practice of cleaning the body. We want to be pure in every way. This includes bathing, brushing the teeth and the practice of kriyas, as well as maintaining a clean house, a clean mind….. When we try to be perfectly clean, we start to learn about dirt. The resulting realization arises: nothing is always and forever in a state of absolute cleanliness. It is a never-ending job. All we can do is to try. To the yogic way of thinking the only real dirt is avidya, ignorance of the True Self. Through the practice of saucha we learn about the physical body and thus ignorance is reduced.
1. SAUCHA: Purity, cleanliness
Saucha is the practice of cleaning the body. We want to be pure in every way. This includes bathing, brushing the teeth and the practice of kriyas, as well as maintaining a clean house, a clean mind….. When we try to be perfectly clean, we start to learn about dirt. The resulting realization arises: nothing is always and forever in a state of absolute cleanliness. It is a never-ending job. All we can do is to try. To the yogic way of thinking the only real dirt is avidya, ignorance of the True Self. Through the practice of saucha we learn about the physical body and thus ignorance is reduced.
2. SANTOSHA: Contentment
Contentment is independence from external conditions. Don't look for happiness or comfort in external circumstances because those conditions are always subject to change. Be happy with what you have. We will never be truly happy in an external situation. Elevate the mind so that you can perceive the world without conflicts. How do we do this?: Tapas, the next niyama.
3. TAPAS: To burn, self discipline, austerity
By subjecting ourselves to extremes of pleasure and pain, we will develop an internal way to deal with it all. Santosha in the face of tapas facilitates endurance and the ability to concentrate the mind regardless of external conditions. Steadiness and equanimity is developed. Tapas also translates as passion or fervor for the subject, sticking to it no matter what.
4. SWADYAYA: Study of the Self through Scripture
It is often translated as scriptural study, the actual reading of and reflecting on the sacred books, ie. Vedas, Upanishads, Yoga Sutras, Bible etc. these works remind one of their true nature or Atman. When you study something you hold it in your attention and come to know something of it. Likewise, to immerse yourself in scripture is to hold in your attention, Divine ideas, thoughts and words.
Contentment is independence from external conditions. Don't look for happiness or comfort in external circumstances because those conditions are always subject to change. Be happy with what you have. We will never be truly happy in an external situation. Elevate the mind so that you can perceive the world without conflicts. How do we do this?: Tapas, the next niyama.
3. TAPAS: To burn, self discipline, austerity
By subjecting ourselves to extremes of pleasure and pain, we will develop an internal way to deal with it all. Santosha in the face of tapas facilitates endurance and the ability to concentrate the mind regardless of external conditions. Steadiness and equanimity is developed. Tapas also translates as passion or fervor for the subject, sticking to it no matter what.
4. SWADYAYA: Study of the Self through Scripture
It is often translated as scriptural study, the actual reading of and reflecting on the sacred books, ie. Vedas, Upanishads, Yoga Sutras, Bible etc. these works remind one of their true nature or Atman. When you study something you hold it in your attention and come to know something of it. Likewise, to immerse yourself in scripture is to hold in your attention, Divine ideas, thoughts and words.
5. ISHWARA PRANIDHANA: Devotion to God or the Divine as you see it
Develop an attitude of surrender. Before you do any action
offer it to a higher source. In this way you free yourself of selfish action.. This
practice will enable you to reach for something higher than the apparent
limitations of body and mind. Ishvara pranidhana shifts our perspective from
the obsession with "I"—with our narrow individual concerns and
perspective—that causes so much of the mind's distraction and creates a sense
of separation from our Source. Since Ishvara pranidhana focuses not on ego but
on the sacred ground of being, it reunites us with our true Self.
The yamas and niyamas are given to the yogi as practices. Perfection is impossible, but we must strive for constant and steady practice.